

INTRODUCTION At the point when the term "fintech" was first used, it referred to the innovation banks and other monetary establishments utilized in their back end frameworks, yet over the long haul, its significance has moved to consumer...

The Time is here to make the Change

The Time is here to make the Change

The time is here to make the change. No blames. No politics. Step up and act now. Work relentlessly in your respective field and help to shift gears for India. Politics has always been a rather murky business....

Why I keep choosing Amazon Products

Why I keep choosing Amazon Products

Hello Amazon. This one is for you. We all have our specific tastes and preferences. We would rather use certain products than others. It might be a consequence of carefully analyzed data about the quality of something, or...

Engage Inside Out

Engage Inside Out

By consensus, it is agreed that this generation is facing multifarious internal turmoils. We are constantly stressed out about several things, ranging from work to personal life. Emotional stability and unavailability are hard to find, and the fear...

The Priorities Of A Nation In A Developing India

The Priorities Of A Nation In A Developing India

As Chandrayaan launched into the sky, so did the hopes and dreams of 1.3 billion Indians~ dreams of emerging as a country that is advanced not only scientifically, but also otherwise, closing in on the heels of the...

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About Me

Sunil R Yadav aka Sunny

Entrepreneur & Influencer

I am a Young Entrepreneur who is focusing on basic needs of Human life i.e. Roti, Kapda & Makaan. Here I put forward my thoughts on how the world is fast changing and adapting to new times

